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Xenia Joost
Xenia Joost


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Sterling Silver used to 3D print the X-necklace is 100% RECYCLED and from a controlled supply chain certified by the Chain of Custody of the Responsible Jewelry Council.

In the 3D production process of the pendant, only natural ingredients are used.


100% recycled silver, nickel-free

About This Brand

Xenia Joost

Xenia Joost has been researching sustainable production for 20+ years. One size fits all, the line is unisex as mens & womens sizes are difficult. Things should be simple like the Baltic Sea, where water is drinkable due to legislation concerning water pollution. 

"As we all know, the fashion industry is one of the most unsustainable systems in the world, both socially and environmentally. As a designer, I am committed to creating a fashion future that celebrates creativity over-exploitation, links individual attitudes to individual styles, and contributes to a sustainable way of life. I believe that everything we wear should have a purpose and communicate who we are to the world.

​Joy and self-expression can be found in fashion choices that prioritize our planet and the people who create our clothes as much as our own desires.


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